Things Slowed a Bit
[Ranger] Things have slowed down since the last entry. While Gray and I are consistently productive, we are also spending quite a bit of time in bed.
I made some important therapy progress recently. I need to understand that I won't heal quickly, and it will take time before I get back to the swing of things. The struggle is learning how to be patient, but so far I think things are working out.
Meanwhile we finally figured out from our job help place that we're pretty much job ready. I wish they told us three months ago. 😒 The focus lately has been working on coding projects to add to our resume.
Adriel stabilized! He's doing a lot better now.
Blue switched in again! He wanted the opportunity and it was a good time. He had a good time and like last time stayed switched-in for a few hours. He did get tired, but it's unclear if it was because of exhaustion, he was just done for the day, or both.
Blue went on a bit of a doddle streak, and he added Adriel to our system pic (second next to Moltosha):

Posted 5/26/23
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