PR Entry
[Cat] I feel kinda weird posting here even though it's our thread. Usually Ranger writes all of the posts in here, but this is exciting and I wanted to post about it.
I had a horrible head ache this morning and with no school and a pill of Claritin, I took a nap.
The dream was weird as usual, but then I turned and came across a magenta-pink poster and for some reason Ranger was in the poster. I asked him if he could make me lucid, and somehow I ended up deciding to jump into the poster. I had this weird but familiar sleep-paralysis feeling to the point I may have woken up, but it was brief and the end result was apparently Ranger taking control.
He either started or continued a conversation with someone else, and it caught me off guard because he was using his voice and not mine. At one point he went down stairs to talk to more people, and at one point his voice was completely different and squeaker for a little bit until I somehow commented about it and it changed again.
When I woke up, I was really groggy but excited because I knew Ranger had his own dream. Ranger confirmed it was him by sharing his excitement, and …
I must have gone back asleep or something because I woke up again an my family interrupted me which then transitioned into a 20 minute chat about Hurricane Florence. By the time I could sit down and write what I remembered, I spent another 10 minutes or so writing it and when I asked Ranger about it he told me he couldn't remember. He told me some of it sounded "vaguely familiar", but that was it. If it happens again, both of us look forward to it.
Uploaded 3/16/23
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